You can use any containerâa tin, a box, even a plastic baggieâbut the most important thing is that it should be airtight. To make your time capsule, you’ll need to get creative with your materials or ask someone at work to help you.
If you’re looking for inspiration for what kinds of things could go inside your time capsule, check out this blog post about what to put in a time capsule.
What is a time capsule?
A time capsule is a special box designed to preserve items from the past at a specified time in the future. It’s typically built in a way that allows it to be opened by people, so they can learn about their history and how things have changed over time.
Time capsule for baby
It’s time to put on your thinking cap and prepare to make a time capsule for your baby!
When creating a time capsule, you want to ensure it’s not just a throwaway thing. You want to think about what memories will help your child develop in their later yearsâand how they’ll be able to use those memories as they grow up.
You can also use a digital camera to take pictures of the items and have them printed on photo paper or canvas (or even just simple pieces of writing). Then put those items into an envelope along with some other things like:
1. Birth announcement
A birth announcement is a great way to record the birth date and other important details about your baby. Of course, you can also have a photo of the family and hospital room.
2. Newspaper (the day they were born)
If you put a newspaper in the time capsule, it should probably be something from the day they were born. If you have access to old newspapers from when your baby was born and can find them online (many libraries have them), those would also work!
3. Baby footprints, handprints, or a lock of baby’s hair
Your baby’s footprints and handprints are a great way to remember how small your baby was. You can also use them to create a time capsule for the future to look back on what has been done since then.
4. A photo of the baby’s nursery
When you’re putting together your time capsule, including a nursery photo, this can be a simple shot or even a professional headshot of your child in their crib or changing table.Â

Time capsule for kid
A time capsule is a great way to preserve the history of your community, and you can help young people learn about their history by putting something in the capsule. You can also help them learn about other cultures by adding some items from other countries or eras. We’ve put together a list of our favorite things that you can put in a time capsule for kids:
1. Artwork
If you’re looking for a way to capture the kid’s personality and interests in a time capsule, consider putting together some artwork. Whether it’s drawings, paintings, or even photographyâit doesn’t matter!
2. Personal items like a favorite toy or stuffed animal
Another great idea is to include a personal item. A favorite toy or stuffed animal can be a great way to help your child remember the past and feel connected to who they were when they were younger.
3. Clothes
Clothes are a great way to put a time capsule for kids. They can be extremely personal, and they can also represent the era in which they were worn.
4. A card with a special message
A card with a special message is the best way to share your love and appreciation with future generations. Your child will know who you are, and they’ll be able to reflect on what was written by their parents.
5. Photos
It’s no secret that photos are a great way to remember your child. If you want to put together a time capsule, consider including photos of the child as they were when they were little like baby pictures (birthday parties and family vacations), Toddler photos (first steps, first words), School pictures (graduations)
6. A favorite book or some school papers
A favorite book or school paper can be a great addition to a time capsule. Books and papers help people understand their world and themselves, and they’ll be able to read them again when they need some inspiration or information.

Time capsule for student
What would you put in a time capsule for your student? If you’ve been tasked with creating a time capsule for your child or student, then you know how stressful it can be. You want to ensure that they have something meaningful to remember their school years by and that their classmates enjoy opening it years from now. That’s why we’ve rounded up some great ideas here!
1. A “Then and Now” Letter
This is a great way to give them insight into what they were like when they were younger and how far they’ve come since then. The letter should include a brief history of the student, their interests and accomplishments over the years, and any goals (or wishes) they have for their senior year at school.
2. A Family Photo
Family photos are a great way to capture your student’s life stories. A family photo will show the student as a child, teen, and even adult. You can also include photos of their siblings or grandparents in the time capsule to see how far they’ve come since these special people were there for them in their younger years.
3. Favorite Books
The first thing you’ll want to do is compile a list of your favorite books. You can add as many as you like, but keep them in order, so they’re easy to find.
4. An Artist’s Statement (of their work, their views)
An artist’s statement is a written explanation of the artist’s work. You can include it in the artist’s portfolio, or it may simply be handwritten on paper and put into a time capsule.
5, Favorite Video Games or Sports Gear
Suppose your student loves playing video games and collecting Pokémon cards. In that case, they might want to include an old console with their favorite games on it and an assortment of Pokémon cards they’ve collected over the years.
6. School Spirit Wear
You can also include school spirit wear, like a t-shirt or sweatshirt with the school logo. Or you could give them a hat with their team’s colors or a scarf and pennant!
7. A picture of a pet
A picture of your pet. This is a great idea because it will give the time capsule some personality and help it stand out from other capsules that have been buried in the past.
Time capsule for couples
Time capsules are a great way to commemorate a milestone and preserve your memories for future generations.
What should you put in your time capsule for a couple?
1. A love letter
A love letter from the two of you describing how you met and fell in love, along with the date when it happened.
2. A glimpse of the first family meeting
An interview with your parents about how they met, how long they’ve been together, and how happy they are with each other.
3. A memory from the past
A picture of you two from when you were kids or teenagers shows how much you’ve grown up!
4. A recall of an exciting moment
A couple of tickets to see your favorite band perform live together.
5. Few favorite things
A list of your favorite books (or movies) together, including titles that have been life-changing for both of you!
If you want to make the best time capsule, it’s all about keeping your memories alive. It’s not just about what you put in itâit’s also about what you keep out of it.
The best way to keep your memories alive is to create a space where they can thrive and grow. An area that’s clean and organized, with plenty of light, fresh air, and access to all the resources you need to ensure everything stays fresh.
That’s what a good time capsule does for your memories: It gives them the space they need to thrive and grow. We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog, good luck!