Ring in the New Year with some fun games! We’ve got you covered if you want something to keep the kids entertained or want a few ideas to keep things lively at your New Yearâs party.
From classic games like charades to more modern options like Apples to Apples, there will surely be a game that everyone in your family will enjoy. So grab some friends and family, put on your favorite party hat, and get ready to have fun!
Pop The Confetti
This classic game is sure to be a hit. It involves placing confetti in a bowl or jar and having players take turns popping it with their fingers. Whoever pops the most confetti wins!
Supplies Needed
-Bowl or jar
-Scoring method (e.g., pieces of paper with numbers written on them, coins)
How to play
1. Place the confetti in a bowl or jar.
2. Each player takes turns popping the confetti with their fingers.
3. The person who pops the most confetti in one turn wins a point.
4. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
Musical Chairs
This game is a classic for any party, including New Yearâs Eve! Have players walk around the chairs while music plays. Once the music stops, everyone must find a seat. The person without a seat is out of the game, and the last person left wins.
Supplies Needed
– Chairs
– Music
How to play
1. Arrange the chairs in a circle, making sure there is one less chair than the number of players.
2. Start playing music and have all the players walk around the circle.
3. When the music stops, everyone must quickly find a seat.
4. The person who does not find a chair is out of the game.
5. Remove one chair and play again until only one person remains. The last person seated is declared the winner.
Pass the Parcel
This classic game is fun for all ages and perfect for a New Yearâs Eve party! Place small items, such as candy or stickers, in a parcel and have players pass them around while music plays. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel gets to keep the item inside.
Supplies Needed:
– Parcel/Gift box
– Small items (e.g., candy, stickers)
– Music
How to play:
1. Place the small items in a parcel or gift box.
2. Have everyone sit in a circle and start playing music.
3. Pass the parcel around the circle while the music plays.
4. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel gets to keep one of the items inside.
5. Start playing the music again and continue passing the parcel around until all the items have been taken.
6. Continue this process until no more items are left in the box. The last person to get a prize is the winner.
Name That Celebrity
This game is great for adults and teens, as it requires knowledge of celebrities. Players must guess the celebrity from a list of clues given by the other players. Whoever guesses the celebrity first wins a point, and the first person to reach a predetermined number of points is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– List of celebrities
– Writing utensil
– Scoring method (e.g., pieces of paper with numbers written on them, coins)
How to play:
1. Decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Have one player choose a celebrity from the list and give clues about the celebrity to the other players.
3. The first person to guess the celebrity’s name correctly wins a point.
4. Continue until one player reaches the predetermined number of points, and they are declared the winner.
Tik toc tik tac
This game is great for all ages and requires two teams. Teams must pass an object over their heads in a continuous line until it reaches the other side. The first team to do this successfully wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score wins the game.
Supplies Needed:
– Object (e.g., a balloon or scarf)
– Scoring method (e.g., pieces of paper with numbers written on them, coins)
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and form two lines.
2. The first player in each team will hold the object (e.g., a balloon, scarf).
3. On âGoâ, the first person in each team must pass the object over their head to the next player.
4. The teams should continue passing the object until it reaches the other side.
5. The first team to successfully pass the object wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Telephone PictionaryÂ
This game is great for adults and teens, as it requires creative thinking. Players must draw a picture of what the person before them said, and the last person to guess the phrase wins a point. The first person to reach a predetermined number of points is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Drawing paper or whiteboard
– Writing utensil
– Scoring method (e.g., pieces of paper with numbers written on them, coins)
How to play:
1. Decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Have one player choose a phrase and whisper it to the person next to them.
3. That person must draw a picture of the phrase without speaking it out loud.
4. The drawing is then passed to the next person, who must guess what the phrase is.
5. The last person to guess the phrase correctly wins a point.
6. Continue until one player reaches the predetermined number of points and they are declared the winner.
Memory Foam
This game is great for all ages and requires two teams. Teams must try to remember as many items from a list as possible within a certain time limit. The team with the most correct answers wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– List of items
– Timer
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and create a list of items for each team to remember.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must try to remember as many items from their list as possible within the time limit.
4. Once the timer goes off, each team will have to tell as many items from their list as they can remember.
5. The team with the most correct answers wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Tablet Tag
This game is great for families with kids and requires two teams. Teams must try to pass a tablet back and forth without dropping it. The first team to do this successfully wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Tablet or laptop
– Timer
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and choose one player from each team to start.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the first players in each team must pass the tablet back and forth without dropping it.
4. The teams should continue passing the tablet until the timer goes off.
5. The first team to successfully pass the tablet wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Charades Challenge
This game is great for adults and teens, as it requires creative thinking and communication. Players must act out a phrase, and the first person to guess the phrase correctly wins a point. The first person to reach a predetermined number of points is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– List of phrases
– Timer
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Have one player choose a phrase and act it out without speaking or using sound effects.
3. The other players must try to guess the phrase before the timer runs out.
4. The first person to guess the phrase correctly wins a point.
5. Continue until one player reaches the predetermined number of points and they are declared the winner.
10. New Years Stack Attack
This game is great for all ages and requires two teams. Teams must try to stack cups as high as possible in a certain time limit. The team with the tallest tower wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Cups
– Timer
– Scoring method (e.g., pieces of paper with numbers written on them, coins)
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and set each team up with an equal number of cups.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must try to stack the cups as high as possible in the time limit.
4. The team with the tallest tower wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Kisses Count down
This game is great for couples or families with older children. Players must try to kiss as many times as possible within a certain time limit, and the team with the most kisses wins a point. The first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Timer
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each try to kiss as many times as possible within the time limit.
4. The team with the most kisses wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Balloon Pop
This game is great for all ages, requiring a bit of target practice and strategy. Players must try to pop as many balloons as possible with darts within a certain time limit. The team with the most popped balloons wins a point. The first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Balloons
– Darts
– Timer
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each try to pop as many balloons as possible with their darts within the time limit.
4. The team with the most popped balloons wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Keep Up Your Resolution
This game is great for all ages and requires some creativity and strategy. Players must create their New Yearâs resolution and keep it for the entire night. The team with the most successful resolutions wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must create their New Yearâs resolution and keep it for the entire night.
4. The team with the most successful resolutions wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Two Resolutions and a Lie
This game is great for all ages and requires some creativity and a bit of luck. Players must each create two resolutions and one lie, and then the other team must guess which one is the lie. The team guessing correctly wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the players must each create two resolutions and one lie.
4. The other team must then try to guess which resolution is the lie.
5. The team guessing correctly wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Ribbon Dancing
This game is great for all ages and requires some creativity and coordination. Players must each use pieces of ribbon to create a dance routine. The team with the most creative routine wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Ribbons
– Music
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each create a dance routine using pieces of ribbon.
4. The team with the most creative routine wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Song Matching
This game is great for all ages and requires some creativity and knowledge of popular songs. Players must each choose a song to represent their team and then match it to a popular song of the same genre. The team with the most accurate match wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Music
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each choose a song to represent their team.
4. The teams must then match their chosen song to a popular song of the same genre.
5. The team with the most accurate match wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
17. Charades
This classic game is great for all ages and requires some creativity and knowledge of popular songs. Players must each act out a character or thing related to the New Year and then try to get their team members to guess correctly. The team with the most correct guesses wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two or three minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each take turns acting out a character or thing related to the New Year (e.g., a New Years resolution, a firework, etc.).
4. The team members must guess the character or thing correctly.
5. The team with the most correct guesses wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
Balloon Pop
This game is great for all ages, requires creativity, and is fun to countdown to the New Year. Players must each try to pop as many balloons as they can in one minute, and the team with the most popped balloons wins a point. The first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Balloons
– Scoring method
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for one minute.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each try to pop as many balloons as they can in one minute.
4. The team with the most popped balloons wins a point.
5. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
New Year’s Resolution Relay Race
This game is a fun way to get everyone in the family involved in a physical activity that will also help them think about their goals and resolutions for the New Year. Players must each think of a New Yearâs resolution and then run to the finish line while shouting it aloud. The team with the first runner to reach the finish line wins a point, and the first team to reach a predetermined score is declared the winner.
Supplies Needed:
– Scoring method
– Marker or tape to designate a starting line and finish line
How to play:
1. Divide the players into two teams and decide on a predetermined number of points needed to win the game.
2. Set a timer for two minutes.
3. On âGoâ, the teams must each choose a runner to start the race.
4. The runners must each think of a New Yearâs resolution and then run to the finish line while shouting it aloud.
5. The team with the first runner to reach the finish line wins a point.
6. Continue playing until one team reaches the predetermined score and they are declared the winner.
This New Year’s Eve game list will keep the whole family entertained and bring some fun and excitement to your end-of-year celebrations. So why not try some of these games and start the new year in style? Get your party hats on, gather around, and let the New Year’s games begin! Happy New Year from everyone at the Playground! Enjoy and have fun! If youâre looking for more gifts to send your loved ones this Christmas, visit our online store at Callie.