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  • Reading time:17 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 25, 2024

No matter what kind of relationship you have with your grandparents, this guide is incredible and can help you make them feel loved and cared for. So, without further ado, let’s jump in. 

How to make the right name for grandparents? 

For example, Grandma? Grandpa? Gramps? Grannie? Grandpapa. That’s right! Even though these names are well-loved by millions, they can still be difficult for others to say or spell.  

So why not make them easier on everyone’s tongue by giving them a new name that fits their personality better? Here are some tips for creating an easier nickname for your grandparents:

  • Don’t use the same nickname twice in one year—your grandfather may not like it if you call him “Grampa” every time! 
  • If it’s too long, it might get confusing when people start calling him Grampa. Try something shorter like “Old Gramps.” 
  • Make sure there is no confusion between nicknames or titles!

Keep reading: 20 Gifts for Grandma On Mothers Day

Unique grandparent names

Some grandparents (and grandfathers) wish to avoid using words that make them sound elderly, such as “granny”; therefore, they use a unique name that is not commonly used. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite non-traditional grandparent names if you’re searching for something different. 

  1. Lolly and Pop
  2. Gpa and Gma
  3. Gigi
  4. Pop Pop
  5. Momo and Papo
  6. Bema
  7. Mimi
  8. Yaya
  9. Nene
  10. Gam Gam
  11. Gaga
  12. Moms
  13. Mima
  14. Pops
  15. G and P
  16. Gammy
  17. Gramma
  18. Grams
  19. Gran
  20. Gran-Gran
  21. Grannie
  22. G-Ma
  23. Marmee
  24. MawMaw
  25. Meemaw
  26. Birdy (Birdie)
  27. Bunny
  28. Kitty
  29. Honey
  30. Cookie
  31. Gigi
  32. Didi (Deedee)
  33. Fifi
  34. Bibi
  35. Baba
  36. Lolly
  37. Lovey (Lovie)
  38. Aanaga
  39. Abuela 
  40. Abuelita
  41. Uelita
  42. Tita
  43. Abby
  44. Abbi
  45. Lita
  46. Aggie
  47. Ajji
  48. Ama
  49. Ama Sani
  50. Amaechi
  51. Ambuya
  52. Amm
  53. Amma
  54. Ammamamma
  55. Amman
  56. Amona
  57. Anne Anne
  58. Anya
  59. Yanya
  60. Anoka
  61. nagyanya
  62. Any
  63. Among babae
  64. Audie
  65. Àvia
  66. Iaia
  67. Avino
  68. Avó
  69. Avoca
  70. Awa
  71. Grandma
  72. Grandpa
  73. Great-Grandma
  74. Great-Grandpa
  75. Great-Great-Grandma – Great-Great-Grandpa
  76. Grams
  77. Gramps
  78. Gramps
  79. Gramsci
  80. Granny
  81. Grandpa
  82. Granby
  83. Gran
  84. Ma-Gar
  85. Ma-maw
  86. Mamae
  87. Maman
  88. Mamar
  89. Mamo, Mamoo
  90. Marmee
  91. Mater
  92. Meema
  93. Meemer
  94. Meepa
  95. Memere
  96. Mimz
  97. Mimzy
  98. MomMom
  99. Momo
  100. Momsie
  101. MumMum
  102. Muner
  103. Munga
  104. Mutti
  105. Grannie
  106. GrannyMama

Keep reading: 12 Fantastic Gifts for Grandparents That Show You Care

Cute grandparent names

Grandparents are a gift from heaven. They give us unconditional love and support, teach important life lessons, and always help us when needed. Here are plenty of options out there for naming your grandparents. Here are a few of our favorites:

  1. Big Mom
  2. Big Mum
  3. Big Mumma
  4. Big Momma
  5. Honey
  6. Ki-Ki
  7. Lovey
  8. Lolly
  9. Ma
  10. Maw
  11. MawMaw
  12. MeeMaw
  13. Mom-Mom
  14. Moo-Moo
  15. Muffy
  16. Queenie
  17. Sassy
  18. Sugar Mum
  19. Sugar
  20. Sweetie
  21. Sweetheart
  22. Sweet
  23. Snuggy
  24. Mumu
  25. Peaches
  26. Bibi
  27. Bebe
  28. Big Mama
  29. Bobo
  30. Boo Boo
  31. Janis
  32. Karma
  33. Cee Cee
  34. Chacha
  35. Cookie Factory
  36. Deeda
  37. DiDi
  38. Memaw
  39. Graham Cracker
  40. Honey
  41. Hope
  42. Lolli
  43. Mumsy
  44. Mimzy
  45. Mommy
  46. Momsie
  47. Moomaw
  48. Mun Mun
  49. Nanni
  50. Sunny
  51. Tootsie
  52. Glammy
  53. Granny Pie
  54. Granny
  55. Lovie
  56. Fairy Mother
  57. Instagram
  58. Mimsy
  59. Nina
  60. TikTok Queen
  61. Queenie
  62. Pippi
  63. Ona
  64. Daddy
  65. Babcia
  66. PopPop
  67. Jimmy.
  68. Gogo. 
  69. Golly.
  70. Gram.
  71. Gram-Gran
  72. Ga
  73. Gabba
  74. Gamma
  75. Gam Gam
  76. Gee
  77. Gee-ma
  78. Gee-Mama
  79. Gege
  80. GG
  81. Giggy
  82. Gigi
  83. Gigia
  84. YaYa (Greek)
  85. Gima
  86. Ging
  87. Gjyshe (Albanian)
  88. Glama
  89. G-Ma
  90. Godmor, Bestemor (Norwegian)
  91. Goobie
  92. Goona
  93. Gr-mere, Meme (informal French)
  94. Gra Gra
  95. Gram
  96. Grammie, Grammy
  97. Grambo
  98. MaeMae
  99. Mah-meh
  100. Mami
  101. Mamie

Keep reading: Top 16 Fathers Day Gifts That Will Make Your Grandpa Feel Delighted

Names with reference to regions 

In different cultures and languages, there are various endearing terms used to refer to grandparents.

  1. Momu: maternal Aborigine Australian)
  2. MorMor: Maternal Grandmother Norwegian & Swedish
  3. Mummo: maternal Finnish
  4. Ma’saani: maternal American Indian Navajo
  5. Maataamahii: maternal Grandmother Sanskrit
  6. Madar Bozorg: maternal Farsi
  7. Mimeo: maternal Informal – Irish/Gaelic
  8. Makhulu: maternal African Venda dialect
  9. Mama. paternal Aborigine Australian
  10. Mamgu: maternal Southern Welsh)
  11. Mamm-Baour: Breton NW France
  12. Mamm-gozh: maternal Breton
  13. Mavourneen: maternal Informal – Irish/Gaelic
  14. MawMaw: maternal Cajun
  15. Mémé: maternal Informal French
  16. Metzmayr: maternal Armenian
  17. Mimiere: maternal French
  18. Mociute: maternal Lithuanian
  19. Mimi: Canadian


Now all you have to do is go out there and test them out! Also, if you plan to celebrate grandparents’ day, you can explore the variety of gifts at Callie. No matter if you are looking for something expensive or something that fits right into your budget, this store has it all. So, why wait? Give them a check now!Â