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  • Reading time:9 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 24, 2025

Every spring, families gather for the beloved tradition of Easter egg hunting. This year finding new and clever hiding spots for eggs can take your celebration to the next level. In this blog, we’ll share our top tips for getting creative with indoor egg-hiding places that will have your kids hunting high and low. And the best part? Most of these spots are things you already have around the house. No special supplies or tools are needed. So let’s hop to it and talk about hiding places!

Planning Your Indoor Easter Egg Hunt

A successful indoor hunt requires some upfront thought. From prepping your space to establishing ground rules, keep these tips in mind.

Choosing the Right Space

Select an area that gives kids room to explore while containing the mess. A living room or finished basement works well. Make sure you define clear boundaries so children know where they can and cannot hunt. Ensure the space has sufficient hiding spots by scouting it out ahead of time. Finally, childproof the zone by removing fragile items.

Setting a Time Limit

Decide how long the hunt should last based on your space and the number of eggs. For a large area with dozens of eggs, consider a 30-minute limit. For smaller spaces, cap it at 15 minutes so the hunt doesn’t drag on. Set a timer so kids know when the game ends. This builds excitement and prevents wandering attention spans.

Deciding on Egg Amount

As a general rule of thumb, multiply the number of hunters by 10 to determine how many eggs you need. Having more eggs than children ensures no one goes home empty-handed. It also reduces fighting over prime real estate spots. Consider adding a few special golden eggs as bonus prizes for extra motivation.

Common Indoor Hiding Spots for Easter Egg Hunt

When planning your indoor egg hunt, start by checking out spaces used daily. These high-traffic rooms offer lots of potential hiding spots that little eyes may overlook.

Living Room

This family hangout spot likely has a lot of furniture to utilize. Check behind cushions and pillows on couches, chairs, or ottomans. These soft surfaces make eggs tough to spot! For another sneaky place, tape eggs underneath chairs, tables, entertainment consoles, or bookshelves. The undersides of most living room fixtures go unseen.


A kitchen contains many cabinets and appliances perfect for hiding eggs. You can stash plastic eggs inside oven mitt pots and pans. Place tiny treats inside spice jars or ceramic canisters. For a really tricky space, attach eggs to the tops of cabinets or the undersides of countertops with removable adhesive.


In the bathroom, tucking eggs inside rolled up washcloths or stashing them beneath neatly folded tower stacks can be a good choice. The linen closet and the plumbing under sinks also make fine hiding spots. You can also place eggs in a basket and slide it back towards the wall behind the pipes.

How to hide Easter eggs indoors?

Creative Hiding Spots for Egg Hunting

Once you’ve tapped all the obvious spaces in your home, it’s time to get creative with hiding spots. Move beyond furniture and storage spaces and see what unconventional areas you can utilize.

Inside Potted Plants

If you have houseplants, their soil makes the ultimate natural hiding spot. Put plastic eggs just under the top layer of soil in the planters. The eggs blend right in! For an added challenge, group a few small plants together and hide treats beneath their pots.

In the Laundry Basket

Camouflaging eggs in a pile of clothes makes locating them a fun feat. Place eggs of varying sizes among clean folded clothes. Or bury them in a mountain of shirts and sheets. Just make sure to avoid dirty clothes!

Behind Books on a Shelf

There’s more creative potential on your bookshelves than meets the eye. Start by slipping tiny plastic eggs between books and the back of the shelf. For a more complex option, stack rows of books horizontally with eggs behind them. You can also assemble book towers with treats peeking out.

Tips for Hiding Easter Eggs Effectively

When deciding where to hide your easter eggs, apply these tricks to create the ultimate challenge.

Consider the Age of the Hunters

Adjust hiding difficulty based on your hunters’ ages. For preschoolers, keep eggs low and in plain sight like under chair cushions. For elementary kids, utilize more clever spaces like inside shoes or backpack pockets. For teens, pick ultra-sneaky spots that require deduction like taping eggs underneath tables.

Use Varying Difficulty Levels for Hiding Spots

Have some eggs in easy-to-spot places so struggling kids don’t get frustrated. But also get creative with tough spots to test their persistence and problem-solving skills. Hiding some eggs in teamwork spots, like behind bookshelves, which are too heavy for one child to move, adds fun collaboration.

Make Sure Eggs are Visible but Not Too Obvious

The sweet spot for egg hiding is areas that are briefly visible at first glance and then seem to disappear. Spaces that require a double take or closer inspection to spot the treat. If eggs are too out in the open, the hunt will be over in seconds. Too well-disguised and they may never be found!

Use Decoy Eggs to Mislead Hunters

In addition to real egg hiding spots, set out plastic eggs in obvious locations like the middle of the floor. Kids will snatch up these first only to find they don’t contain treats. This adds a surprise factor when the true concealed treasures require more work to uncover.

Put Clues or Riddles for a Scavenger Hunt Feel

Write each clue on a slip of paper placed inside select plastic eggs. Kids must solve the clues one by one to determine the next hidden egg’s location. Consider clues based on physical appearances, locations, or egg colors. Add mental challenges to test their memory and deductive skills.

Utilize Everyday Items as Camouflage

Masking eggs among existing objects in a room makes kids look twice at their surroundings. Stash eggs among toys, food items, rolled socks, office supplies, or sporting goods. Objects of similar shape and color work best to achieve true stealth status!


Hiding colored easter eggs for your indoor party just got way easier. Use high-traffic spots like your living room, kitchen, and bathroom first. Then gets trickier by putting eggs in laundry, books, or plants. Follow our key tips like making rules, adjusting for kids’ ages, and using clues. Now put these egg-hiding ideas to work for your household’s hunt! And don’t forget to check Callie’s shop for Personalized Easter Eggs to make the day extra fun.