Summer is my favorite season! We all love going to the beach and taking long walks in the park. The sunsets are gorgeous, and there is nothing better than sitting outside on a warm evening, watching them fade into darkness.
Summer is almost over. While we do not want to wish it away, we cannot help but look forward to the cool autumn days ahead. So here are some end-of-summer quotes to send off the season in style.
End of Summer Quotes
- “Summer has passed us by, and I am left here wonderin’ what went wrong.”
- “Every year, I get the same question: ‘How do you keep being so optimistic about the summer when you know it is going to be over soon?’ That is like asking a happy person, ‘Why are you so happy all the time? Do not you know life is going to end in death?'”
- “Summer evenings: fireflies, and an age when anything is possible.”
- “It is summertime. It is summertime. It is lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.”
- “Summer has filled her veins with light, and her heart is washed with noon.”
- “I love how summer wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket.”
- “The pastures are filled with stars… The breezes taste like apple peelings… The air is full of smells—of grapes, burnings from the distant fields, of ripening cherries….”
- “Who would not be satisfied with freedom, literature, flowers, and a full moon?”
- “It was such a beautiful day. It seemed a shame to get up.”
- “Scotland has two seasons: June and Winter.”
- “Let us sit on the ground and tell sorrowful stories about monarchs who died.”
- “The best times were when we could forget that there was an outside world.”
- “The sun is shining brightly on my old Kentucky house, And I am happy when the skies are blue.”
- “Although I love all seasons of the year, They are all beautiful in their own way. But there is no place like home. It is summertime, and living is easy.”
- “It is the sun’s light, warmth, and color; it is the laughter in your friends’ voices as they gather around to play games on a warm afternoon.”
- “The pastures are filled with stars… The breezes taste like apple peelings… The air is full of smells—of grapes, and burnings from the distant fields, of ripening cherries.”
- Nights are shorter, days are longer, and the air is so much sweeter as summer comes to an end. The hot sun and wind gave way to cool breezes and golden leaves. Then, finally, it is time for the harvest.”
- “Summer’s lease has an expiration date far too soon.”
- “The summer has gone with all its dreams.”
- “The end of summer does not mean that fall has to be sad or boring. It can be one of the best times of the year.”
- “I will remember this summer forever because it was the first time I had real friends.”
- “Summer is a time for vacations; vacations are a time for reading. So read a book and spend some time in the sun.”
- “It is summer, and I am gonna rock it like an animal.”
- “I love the smell of sunscreen in the morning.”
- “The days grow shorter now; there are not enough hours in the day. This means one thing: it is time to return to school! Class dismissed!”
- “I am not saying I am going to stop dreaming about you, but I am saying I am going out with friends this summer and making sure I have a good time.”
- “When summer goes, how can we bear our autumn?”
- “The summer went by like a flash of lightning: bright but brief, leaving me changed forever.”
- “It is unbelievable that summer is over already — there are still so many things that I want to do!”
- “Summer has gone; we must try another plan for keeping warm.”

- “The summer is a coming-together of people and seasons and places, with the warmth of friendship, the chill of death, and the promise of rebirth.”
- “The best part of summer, I think, is the end of it: winter has come round again; the trees’ leaves are dropping.; there are rugs on all the floors; we can see our breath in cold rooms, and there is a fire in every fireplace….”
- “Summer days turn into memories that last forever as fall approaches and winter closes in around us once again, reminding us that life is fleeting, but love will always remain.”
- “I cannot forget this summer… was one of those summers that never comes back again.”
- “When autumn arrives, everything has been washed clean by summer: The air smells like fresh bread.”
- “Summer has gone; winter is coming; there is no denying it. But I do not mind if it makes no difference in my love for you.”
- “Summer suns are glorious things; they ripen fast but fade as fast away.”
- “The summer is gone, and all its sweets are gone with it.”
- “Summer is one of the nicest seasons of all the year. It is the time for vacations, picnics, and general fun.”
- “Summer is when you get too poor to go anywhere.”
- “Summer is not over until I say it is over.”
- “It has been a crazy summer, and I am glad it is almost over!”
- “I love the feeling of summer when all things seem possible, and life is full of promise.”
- “Summer has been good to me. I am plump, pink-cheeked, tanned, and rested.”
- “When I was a child, I used to think that if I put in one more day of work or just one more hour of practice, everything would turn out right at the end of summer.”
- “It is time to say goodbye to the warm weather, pool parties, and barbeques, and say hello to pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin carving.”
- “Summer is a time for being lazy; doing nothing; lying daily in the grass, looking up at the blue sky.”
- “Summer is ending, and so is this chapter of my life.”
- “Summer is coming to an end, but I am not afraid because winter will be here soon enough.
- “Summer is almost over. It has been a nice summer, but it is time to go back to school and get busy with your life.”
- “The waves cannot be stopped, but you can learn to surf.”
- “The summer is over, but the memory lingers.”
- “I love hearing crickets at night… It reminds me of being outside with friends and family, eating ice cream cones, playing games, and laughing until my stomach hurts.Â
- Summer nights are meant for relaxing with loved ones after a long day at work or school.”
- “I am not saying that I wish winter would come back again, but if I had to pick between summer and winter, I would choose winter any day of the week!”
- “Summer’s conclusion may be bittersweet as we reflect on all we have done this season.”
- “When the day comes that you are not here, I will still remember you as the summer sun.”
- “The summer has been long enough for those who love spring.”
As the leaves begin to change, we reflect on the summer that is coming and going. So let these quotes remind you of all the good times you had this summer, and know that the memories will stay with you throughout the colder months to come. After all, it always seems to be easier to look forward to warmer weather when you have summer in your past.